Safety is Our Priority
Our kennel team is trained to identify the triggers for a dog’s undesirable behavior so that fights and unsafe energy levels can be avoided. Correction for undesirable behaviors includes separation and time-outs from play.
To make our play yards as safe as possible we employ constant supervision, human interaction, and continual temperament assessments. Dogs with multiple offenses or dogs who fail to train may be expelled.
Separate Play Yards
Here at The Cabins, we have three large outdoor play yards that are shaded and mud-free. In addition to our outdoor yards, we also have an indoor play area, which means we have plenty of room for separate play groups. Play groups are separated for safety based on personality assessment, age, and size.
Professional, Trained, and Experienced Kennel Team
In order to provide the safest and most enjoyable experience for your pet, our kennel team members complete a comprehensive training program. In addition, our kennel team attends nine trainings per year in animal behavior, infectious disease control and medical care/triage. Kennel attendants at The Cabins have immediate access to a team of veterinarians and veterinary nurses for whatever questions might arise with your pet.
Our infectious disease and medical triage/emergency preparedness protocols are under the immediate supervision of a veterinarian.
Our training program focuses on:
- In-depth infectious disease control
- Medical triage & emergency preparedness
- Reading body language
- Managing group play and off-leash control
- Enrichment & appropriate play
- Safely stopping rough play
- Handling both dominant and submissive dogs properly
- Promoting a confident dog
Scheduled Environmental Safety Checks
Our Kennel Team has scheduled environmental safety checks when they inspect the yards, without distraction, to ensure there is nothing unsafe in the yards, on the fences, or in the kennels.
Play Time Rules
Controlling the following behaviors during group play will keep dogs at a reasonable energy level and minimize risk for injury.
- Minimal barking allowed
- No sprinting from one end of yard to the other
- No jumping on humans
- No gangs (multiple dogs harassing one dog)
- No barging through doorways
- Time out for unsafe/undesirable behaviors