COVID-19 Pandemic Updates Skip to Main Content Skip to Footer

COVID-19 Pandemic Updates

COVID-19 Pandemic Updates
July 5, 2021

For the continued health and safety of both our team members and clients, we’ve upgraded our air filters and installed commercial-grade, UV Sanitizing Lights inside all of our duct work to disinfect the circulating air inside the hospital. 

We are open and ready to serve you and your pets with the guidelines below.

For your appointment, you may come inside the building or receive curbside service. The choice is yours.

If you wish to come inside for your appointment, please observe these safety guidelines:

Urgent Care

  1. Please call/text (970) 416-0232 when you arrive and wait in your car.
  2. We will let you know when/if an exam room is ready so you may come inside. If an exam room is not available, we will continue treatment of your pet through curbside service.

If your pet is having difficulty breathing, stumbling when they walk, has pale gums, or is excessively vocal please come directly inside the hospital for immediate treatment.

One person in the exam room per appointment

This allows us to properly social distance as mandated by both our local health department and the CDC. If you need to bring a spouse or your child(ren) to your appointment we will happy to care for your pet with a curbside appointment. Please note, during a curbside appointment your pet will not be treated in the parking lot. Your pet will be brought inside the hospital while you wait in your car. The doctor will call you to discuss the exam and answer your questions.

Wear a proper face mask

If you do not have a face mask, we will be happy to sell you one for $5. A proper face mask is worn over the nose and below the chin.

Wash your hands

As soon as you enter the building, please wash your hands with soap and water. A member of our client services team will direct you to a sink.

Waiting in the Lobby: Respect Social Distancing

Our lobbies are not very big. Please watch for other customers and stay 6 ft away. Please wait outside if you need to.

Thank you for your polite behavior, understanding, and patience during these unprecedented times!

Aspen Grove Veterinary Care